Monday, February 16, 2009

More Whopping - And We're Not Talking Burger King Here

I got this one from my son who is currently studying in Prague, but finds time to stay in touch with the world via the internet.
He was on and found this gem in a story about the Daytona 500:

When Earnhardt was told of Vickers comments, he radioed to his spotter T.J. Majors to tell Vickers' spotter to deliver the message that if there was an issue, the racers could discuss it in the motor coach lot following the race.
"If he wants to come by the bus after the race and get his ass whopped," Earnhardt said. "I'll do it."

So, how is it that there is an epidemic of whopping and whopping cough? Or is getting whopped a result of whopping cough? I'm whooped from trying to figure out how professional (haha) writers keep getting this wrong.

I wasn't able to find the original story, so I'm not sure if there was really a period after 'Earnhardt said'. Maybe the writer was in a huge hurry to get the story published. Still no excuse.

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