Saturday, January 31, 2009

Now Hiring - People Who Can Spell

Subway is hiring.  Good pay.  Bonuses?  Maybe the good pay belongs to the bonuses themselves?

No phone calls please - we don't want to have to explain who the bonuses belong to.

While we're reading these ads - can we mention the overuse of the phrase, "looking for friendly, motivated, responsible team players"? Does that line come free with every want ad? It reminds me of single people who claim to like, "long walks on the beach, moonlit strolls, and cuddling on the sofa".

If the ad writers could be a little more creative, they might attract some new types of applicants.

Who can spell bonuses.


sendkathy said...

Athena - Have you considered the possibility that the ad faux pas was cleverly intentional? It may have been a ruse to weed out the grammarians in the crowd. After all, someone who is constantly finding fault with grammar might cause the patrons of a certain establishment to lose their appetites! LOL

Athena said...

Aha - point well taken. Perhaps the ad was aimed at a certain, shall we say, clientele? BIrds of a feather and all that . . .