Looking for any one - not a specific one, apparently - who can draw. And possibly proof read? So many mistakes here. Let me see:
1. The first sentence is poorly constructed. I'm not sure there is punctuation that will help it, if it is written as it is.
2. Any one = anyone.
3. The capital I in the word 'if' is a word processing error. MS Word will always capitalize the first word in a line of centered text after a return. I hate that. It is up to the writer to fix the error. If they care. Which they didn't.
Anything else that I missed?
Hello~I stumbled upon your blog when I was blog surfing and wanted to let you know that you are not alone.
I am far from perfect but I am almost driven to distraction with all of the incorrect advertisements, news articles etc.
I think the lol's and the BRB's in the world have sucked the brains out of too many people and they truly do not know how to talk, much less write any more.
Thanks OHN. I knew I couldn't be the only one out there bugged by bad grammar.
I am comforted by the fact that my kids are actively sending me blog fodder and are appalled by some of the things written by their friends.
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