This is from a high school dive meet last weekend. A local high school was in charge of running the meet, providing concessions, tee-shirts, etc. I feel that if an event is in any way connected to the schools, it's that much more important to get it right. I realize that this was just a small sign, and all they wanted to do was to sell chicken sandwiches, but when you get the language wrong, it conveys the wrong message to the people who see it.
In a related incident that involved the school system, I once received a letter from the high school. It was promoting a discounted fee for a course promising higher SAT scores for those who took the class. This letter was on school system letterhead, and, if I remember correctly, it was signed by the superintendent of schools.
They spelled the name of the school system incorrectly.
THAT, my friends, is not acceptable.
My 14 year old brought me the newspaper yesterday and showed me two mistakes in an article. Don't these people have spell check?
Unbelievably, I have received notes from teachers that were incorrect. If I wanted to be a snot about it, I would have corrected it in red and sent it back :)
Ha! I'm not sure I would have been restrained enough to not correct the note.
I've been known to use a red pen to circle blank spaces on mid-quarter reports if basic information is missing (this grade is for what class?)
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