Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Today's Post Is Brought To You By The Letter N

Monday, October 12, 2009
Your Does Not Equal You're!

Thursday, October 8, 2009
I'll Have The Torttia With Chedder Chesse

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Earthquake Clatter Nerves - 7.1 On Rector Scale!

So, for the brave - I give you: News we can do without!
Please, someone, tell me that the site isn't supposed to be real, that it's a parody, or satire, or something mocking the english language! I await your distinguished reply. Wishing you good fortune and best days ahead.
This sterling example of mistranslation was originally spotted on It's Your Damned Language! - another great grammar blog.

Friday, September 25, 2009
How Do You Spend Your Lifes?
I wonder why this beautifully framed, thought provoking, beacon for our moral compass ended up there? Any ideas?
I hope she bought one for me!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Would You Buy This?

Seriously - cupcake icing? Since when did they require a specialized formula? Is there really a market for this? When I think of all those rebellious bakers who would dare to use cake icing on their cupcakes . . [shivvers] . . chills me to the bone.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Nostalgic Carckers

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Blinded By Anger

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Welcome To The English Language

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
After Awarding The Million, Hire A Proofreader

Friday, August 28, 2009
Again With The Numbers...
Thousands flock for 2d day to Kennedy wake
Boston Globe - Brian R. Ballou, Andrew Ryan - 28 minutes ago
Thousands more people flocked again today to the Kennedy Library, with many coming before dawn to wait in a line two hours long to pay their respects to Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
It's not all about being first. Correct would be so much better.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Protester Options

Monday, August 3, 2009
Narrow Near Miss
Building Rolls Over
Mon Aug 03 07:02:55 PDT 2009
Caught On Tape: A building in Cankiri, Turkey fell over and rolled onto its roof, nearly missing surrounding buildings.
Nearly missing surrounding buildings? You mean it didn't miss them and crashed into them? Hmm. Let's go to the videotape.
[watching video]
Nope. It clearly missed the surrounding buildings (which is very strange, I have to admit). What CBS meant to say was that it narrowly missed surrounding buildings.
But hey - who's going to notice?
You might catch the video here:
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Won The Award - And Then Left (Or Lost His Job)

This is from a company newsletter. I guess we can't expect them to be as dedicated and perfect as a professional newspaper - oh wait - the newspapers are no longer dedicated and professional. It should be easy to improve upon what I've seen published by the (ahem) professionals.
I can't credit the submission for this one. The submitter fears recrimination and job loss. With this economy - I'm not taking any chances.
Spell check is indicating that each occurence of the word professional is incorrectly spelled, as well as the word recrimination. So now I have to rag on the spell check??!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I'll Get My Funding Elsewhere, Thank You

Friday, July 3, 2009
Names Have Been Removed to Protect the Innocent

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
No Words Can Describe

Friday, June 26, 2009
How Much For The Real Shoes?
In celebrating 20 years of the DryJoy, you are entitled to a $20 discount on the purchase of a near pair of DryJoys (excluding the MyJoys).
I guess they were selling knockoffs?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Buff Chicken Beaks
There's a columnist in the newspaper who writes about being a Mom to young children. Sometimes her column is very funny, and other times it misses the mark (in my opinion). Occasionally I will read her column and get a laugh or two.
So, when I finally got around to reading Sunday's paper last night (I have an obsession with looking at every day's paper, even if it means reading it a few days late), I started reading her column and found this:
"So I'm doing my Total Body Fitness class. But come on. It's not really the total body. I mean we're hitting the pecks, abs and all."
I didn't think too much of it. After all, misspelling an abbreviation can go either way - they can be very personal. But some abbreviations are so widespread and accepted that it's just wrong to spell it another way. So my eyes kept gravitating back to that word. Pecks. Pecks. The more I looked at it, the funnier it got!
My brain couldn't stop conjuring up visions of chicken beaks.
Monday, June 8, 2009
I'll Bet The Pawsengers Can Spell
There is a new airline starting up. The target audience is your pet. That's right - your dog, or cat, or iguana (although for now I think they are limiting it to dogs and cats).
My brother sent me the link to the site, so of course I had to poke around to see if it was for real. This is an airline that will fly ONLY pets. People are not allowed. They have a private jet that has been altered "for the comfort of our guests". They like to call their guests pawsengers.
So I'm looking around in the FAQ (because it's just too hard to believe that this idea will fly - no pun intended), and I find this:
And that was only the beginning. The site wasn't too bad, actually. All of the links worked, navigation was sensible, and information was easy to find. But spelling errors were rampant (not counting the pawsengers).
Fix the stupid errors, look more professional, and the business might have a chance!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Teachers Obviously Need to Return

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Your Mother's WHAT?!

Friday, June 5, 2009
May 24rd Comes Right After May 23th.

Believe it or not, I come across this error fairly often. It usually occurs when someone is using a template for an event and changing the dates, times, etc.. Without giving a second thought to proofreading. And then publishing it for all the world to see.
I will say that I approve of the budget. These weddings you hear about that cost $50,000 and up are completely out of hand. (And I'm willing to be that they also have spelling/grammatical errors!)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
AP - Awful Press
Unfortunately, a sad news story, but come on - razes? Seriously?
Associated Press - now hiring Communication Major dropouts.

Sunday, May 31, 2009
What If I Want "Green"?

Thanks to Carly for this one.

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Waisting Paint to Save the World

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Have Your Hair's Done, Then Eat "Lunch"

Took a trip through South Carolina recently. It was a Spring Break time, so we kept to the back roads. Which turned out to be a bonus when we passed through small towns.
First I saw the Wig's sign, so I did a quick U-turn, then turned down the side road to get the picture. U-turned again to get back on track, and while waiting at the stoplight, saw the restaurant sign. BINGO!
The restaurant sign cracks me up. Capital letters sprinkled throughout. Random quotation marks. The change from Every Day to Mon-Fri (were they going under offering those deals on the weekends?)
It was all I could do to not tour the entire little town looking for more. Ah, but we were running late and I wanted to get to our destination before dark.
Maybe some day soon I'll tour some small towns nearby and see what I can find.
Now who in their right mind would do that for fun?

Monday, May 18, 2009
How to Steal the Show
So, we're watching the finale last week. Everyone has their fans/family in the live audience. So what would you do if you were going to be in a live studio audience? Make a sign, of course. A great BIG sign for all the world to see (or at least the world that cares about the show). And if you are really lucky, YOUR sign will be on TV! Can you stand it?! Set the DVR, tell the entire extended family, shout it to the world!
And make sure your sign will be remembered:

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Maybe It's A Foreign Word?

Monday, April 20, 2009
So . . . Should I Go? Or Should I Stay Away?

Think about it. Go ahead - take your time.
Do you think it would serve as a good excuse for missing the meeting? Just hand it in to the person in charge when you saunter in to their room the next day?

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Spellcheck, Spellcheck, Spellcheck!
Here is what appeared in the newsletter:
preperations for the athletes in their persuit of
Makes me cringe all over again. This was promoting our potential Olympians! Aauugghh!

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Ex-Press - Used To Work For Media?

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Food Prices On The Rise

I wonder how much they wanted for the larger potatoes. I'm a fan of russets myself - it's a good thing - I couldn't afford those baby reds!
As Chris, who sent this to me, said - "At $2.99 each they had better be the best veggies I have ever tasted!" I'll say.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"Menu withOut "ANY"...direction

Oh my. Here's another one that is too much to show in a small photo - click on the picture to see a larger view.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Fun Party! 7pm Unti (Unti? Unit? What?)

And invitations.
I'm guessing that the create-a-card machine lacks spell check. Which must also be lacking in the worker bees in the photo store.
I'll admit, I make mistakes like this a lot. Even when writing longhand - which is really scary. But usually, when I proof what I've written, I catch the error. Ah, there's the rub. Proof our work must we to errors catch thee. (Sorry Yoda.) (And yes, I spelled it 'thee' on purpose - to rhyme - otherwise it would sound even more stupid than it already does.)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Alabama the Sad Example

Not bad (although I would have stated it differently). I especially love the ironic background.
BUT - when you explore further into the Alabama road system, they like to remind you of their original statement. Keep Alabama beautiful - right? Wrong. Enter the bright individual who stamped a big OK on the final proof for these signs:

Um - what? Maybe Alabama has a super secret campaign to rename the state 'Alabama the Beautiful'? And maybe that new state is about to be purchased by another country? But how would littering affect the buyout? Hmmm.
No, I'm afraid it's just Alabama showing their ignorance. You can argue against the stereotypes all you want, Alabama the Beautiful, but it's not going to help having evidence like this every few miles across the state.
Bless their hearts. They just can't help it.
Thank you to Lauren, who is serving as a temporary scout (deep undercover) in Alabama (the beautiful).
I'm not partial to southern states - show me what you've got in your home state - except you northerners - I know you're all perfect ;-)
Note - I am not criticizing the owners of the wonderful home behind the sign above. I'm sure it's a wonderful home and in no way do I mean to trash them. It's just damn funny that their home appears behind the sign.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Two, Two, Two Blogs in One

Monday, February 23, 2009
I Thought Publishers Still Used Editors
Writers write. They rely on editors to edit.
I fear that all too soon we'll be reading books written in text-speak. Aauugghh!
cn u imgne tht????? it wud be rly bad!!!!!!!! like OMG!!! roflmao!!!!!!!!
So I was reading a book from a very well known publisher recently, and this error jumped out at me (I swear, it literally jumped off of the page and bit me - still have the marks):
...scrape off the old gasket, put on a new gasket with sealant, put the head back on. We had already taken off the cylinder head and I had scrapped off the old gasket after getting home from school.
Oh the agony! How did they miss that?
I fear that my escape into books will have to rely on ones published before word processors. I guess I'd be safe with the works of Homer and Plato. Wonder if any they wrote any chick lit?

Monday, February 16, 2009
More Whopping - And We're Not Talking Burger King Here
He was on espn.com and found this gem in a story about the Daytona 500:
When Earnhardt was told of Vickers comments, he radioed to his spotter T.J. Majors to tell Vickers' spotter to deliver the message that if there was an issue, the racers could discuss it in the motor coach lot following the race.
"If he wants to come by the bus after the race and get his ass whopped," Earnhardt said. "I'll do it."
So, how is it that there is an epidemic of whopping and whopping cough? Or is getting whopped a result of whopping cough? I'm whooped from trying to figure out how professional (haha) writers keep getting this wrong.
I wasn't able to find the original story, so I'm not sure if there was really a period after 'Earnhardt said'. Maybe the writer was in a huge hurry to get the story published. Still no excuse.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
If The Schools Are Wrong, What Hope Is There?

Monday, February 9, 2009
Where Bears Barely Wear Clothes

This sign is from a clothing resale store. No bears are involved.
Now, if this sign were from the local zoo, or it was an adjunct to the ever popular Build-A-Bear chain, it might be a cute play on words.
But it's not. It's just another case of someone not caring enough to check their spelling.
At least she got the apostrophe correct.

Tired of Being RIPED Off?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009
1:50 PM
Subject: have you been riped off
file a rebuttal to explain your side of the story or do not let them getaway with this, you can also post who riped you off. go to
I only changed the color of the text (red), and deleted contact information.
I'm so glad that I haven't been riped off recently. Otherwise I'd be obligated to contact this spammer for help. That's a scary thought!

Sunday, February 8, 2009
A Liberal Sprinkling of Apostrophes, Please

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Please Decipher And Get Back To Me

I hope it makes sense to those it is intended for.
Of course, the obvious is the added quotation marks, which are completely unnecessary.
Funny thing is, I don't mind the use of the abbreviated word 'thru'.
But the rest of it is a plain mess.
Thanks again to Kristilyn.

Not "Just" Another Menu Selection

Grammar Isn't Important If You Can Draw

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Now Hiring - People Who Can Spell

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Falling Into My Lap!

If You Can't Trust Network News . . .

Blame It On The Tittles