Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Two, Two, Two Blogs in One

Monday, February 23, 2009
I Thought Publishers Still Used Editors
Writers write. They rely on editors to edit.
I fear that all too soon we'll be reading books written in text-speak. Aauugghh!
cn u imgne tht????? it wud be rly bad!!!!!!!! like OMG!!! roflmao!!!!!!!!
So I was reading a book from a very well known publisher recently, and this error jumped out at me (I swear, it literally jumped off of the page and bit me - still have the marks):
...scrape off the old gasket, put on a new gasket with sealant, put the head back on. We had already taken off the cylinder head and I had scrapped off the old gasket after getting home from school.
Oh the agony! How did they miss that?
I fear that my escape into books will have to rely on ones published before word processors. I guess I'd be safe with the works of Homer and Plato. Wonder if any they wrote any chick lit?

Monday, February 16, 2009
More Whopping - And We're Not Talking Burger King Here
He was on espn.com and found this gem in a story about the Daytona 500:
When Earnhardt was told of Vickers comments, he radioed to his spotter T.J. Majors to tell Vickers' spotter to deliver the message that if there was an issue, the racers could discuss it in the motor coach lot following the race.
"If he wants to come by the bus after the race and get his ass whopped," Earnhardt said. "I'll do it."
So, how is it that there is an epidemic of whopping and whopping cough? Or is getting whopped a result of whopping cough? I'm whooped from trying to figure out how professional (haha) writers keep getting this wrong.
I wasn't able to find the original story, so I'm not sure if there was really a period after 'Earnhardt said'. Maybe the writer was in a huge hurry to get the story published. Still no excuse.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
If The Schools Are Wrong, What Hope Is There?

Monday, February 9, 2009
Where Bears Barely Wear Clothes

This sign is from a clothing resale store. No bears are involved.
Now, if this sign were from the local zoo, or it was an adjunct to the ever popular Build-A-Bear chain, it might be a cute play on words.
But it's not. It's just another case of someone not caring enough to check their spelling.
At least she got the apostrophe correct.

Tired of Being RIPED Off?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009
1:50 PM
Subject: have you been riped off
file a rebuttal to explain your side of the story or do not let them getaway with this, you can also post who riped you off. go to
I only changed the color of the text (red), and deleted contact information.
I'm so glad that I haven't been riped off recently. Otherwise I'd be obligated to contact this spammer for help. That's a scary thought!

Sunday, February 8, 2009
A Liberal Sprinkling of Apostrophes, Please

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Please Decipher And Get Back To Me

I hope it makes sense to those it is intended for.
Of course, the obvious is the added quotation marks, which are completely unnecessary.
Funny thing is, I don't mind the use of the abbreviated word 'thru'.
But the rest of it is a plain mess.
Thanks again to Kristilyn.

Not "Just" Another Menu Selection

Grammar Isn't Important If You Can Draw